Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity in Navasota, Texas, whose mission is to provide exceptional lifelong sanctuary to non-releasable wolves and wolfdogs, while sharing a message of education and conservation.
Lauren Gaulding of Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary, reading love letters and providing treats to Lapua from one of her Sponsors for Valentine’s Day.

Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary was Founded in 2002
& opened it’s doors to thousands of guests each year on a small acreage property in Montgomery, Texas.
In the summer of 2020, we moved our facility to our new location in Navasota, Texas.
The new sanctuary, built on 15 acres, has allowed us to build bigger enclosures, construct natural dens, offer additional space for educational groups and scouts and most importantly continue pursuing our mission to rescue wolves and wolfdogs.
Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary rescues wolves and wolfdogs in need from around the country — from shelters, animal control agencies, and private owners. All of our residents are rescues, and most are animals that someone tried unsuccessfully to keep as a pet. Many have come from situations of horrible neglect or abuse, but have grown to heal – physically, mentally, and emotionally – due to the patience and love that we are able to provide. Since they were born in captivity and habituated to humans from an early age, they can’t be released into the wild.
Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary is a licensed Class C - Exhibitor under the Animal Welfare Act (7 U.S.C. 2131 et seq.), certificate no. 74-C-0660.
(Photo of Mystery in 2002 when she was first rescued, and several years later. Mystery lived to be 18 years old and passed away in April, 2017.)
Our staff members maintain routine schedules to ensure properly prepared meals, plenty of enrichment and excellent care for the wolves and wolfdogs of Saint Francis.
A day in the life of preparing meals for the wolves and wolfdogs of Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary.
All enclosures have houses, wooden platforms to lounge on, large water tubs to wade in, and natural denning options. During the hot summer months there is a misting system to bring down the temperature and during the winter we provide our animals with hay for warmth. We love all of our residents as family and our goal is to create a true sanctuary for all of them, including quality, nutritious, species-appropriate meals, exceptional veterinary care, daily enrichment, and canine companionship.
We also work to educate the public about issues involving exotic canines, and dispel the many myths that surround these frequently misunderstood creatures. Through guided on-site tours, off-site presentations, and other outreach avenues, we seek to provide accurate, engaging information about the animals we love so dearly – both in the wild and in captivity. Finally, we seek to educate guests about the hardships associated with owning a wolf or wolfdog.
At Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary, we want our reach to extend outside of our sanctuary walls. We do our best to promote conservation of our natural world, from our atmosphere down to our smallest insect friends. By connecting our guests with nature and ecosystems we aim to help them apply their knowledge at home and in their communities.