Mystery was one of many victims of illegal captivity, where often animals are kept in substandard conditions, malnourished and denied essential vaccinations. Mystery escaped from her previous owner in the summer of 2002, immediately upon arriving and spent a week running free in the woods before being shot and captured in a leg trap.
Amazingly, Mystery survived but her life was still on the line. Illegal exotics are often euthanized because they have nowhere to go. Luckily, a local veterinarian took Mystery in and nurtured her wounds, but didn’t know where to go from there…
(Mystery was the heart and soul of SFWS, and remained with us for 14 years, passing away just after her 18th birthday)
Our founder, Jean LeFevre, learned about Mystery and went to meet her. She saw before her a sad, scared animal in need of a home and decided that she would do whatever it took to save her. Jean was encouraged to apply for the necessary licenses to open a sanctuary and the Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary was born, opening on the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, October 4, 2002 — hence our name.
Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary participated in the local rescue efforts and took on several more of the animals: Timbre, Duchess, Yukon, Wacipi, and Spirit.
Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary’s creation would not have been possible without the tireless contributions of time, money and love from numerous volunteers, friends and well-wishers, as well as a generous legacy from one of Jean’s friends. To all of these individuals, we are eternally grateful. We also thank the many individuals and rescue organizations around the country who pitched in to save and rehome the remaining animals.
Since its inception, Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary has grown in size and scope, including moving from our 3-acre original property in Montgomery, TX to a new 15-acre property in Navasota, TX. Our new site has completed Phase I of a 3-phased development and construction plan and is able to house up to 16 animals at any given time. Once all three phases of development and construction are complete, Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary will be able to house as many as 36 wolf and wolfdogs!
We plan to build a comprehensive wolf education and conservation center to better help us inform and educate our visitors about the importance of wolf conservation.

Jean LeFevre on her porch, surrounded by the animals she loves so dearly.
Jean LeFevre had a lifelong, compassionate interest in both humanitarian and animal welfare issues. Jean lived in Europe, India, Tanzania and Texas. She traveled to many other points of the globe in the course of a very eventful life. Jean was the first woman in Madras, India to be granted a “License to Operate Flying Machines,” she enrolled the first Girl Guides on the slopes of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in 1950 and was awarded the Long Service Medal and Certificate of Merit as a result of her work with the Red Cross.
With a small legacy from her friend Katherine (“Kit”) Wilson, Jean helped to found The Kit Wilson Trust for Animal Welfare in England to be used for the benefit of animals and to promote the spaying and neutering of pets. Since its beginning over 30 years ago, the trust has grown to become one of the most respected animal welfare societies in the UK.
Jean Lefevre passed away peacefully in her home in July 2020. She will be greatly missed by all of us who were deeply touched by her compassion and love for all sentient beings.
Visit our Online Merch Store to Support the Pack! All proceeds from purchases made go directly to Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary.
Your Donation Makes a Difference! Your contribution to the Sanctuary helps build toward the care of the wolves and the expansion of our Sanctuary.
Sign up to Become a Volunteer! Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary is always looking for helpful hands to Support the Wolves.
Schedule a Visit to our Sanctuary! Book a Tour of our facility and Meet the Wolves of Saint Francis in Navasota, TX.
Become a Sponsor for the Wolves! Provide Monthly or Yearly Support for the feeding and care of the Wolves of Saint Francis.