Recommended Links
Learning About Wolves and Wolfdogs
The International Wolf Center advances the survival of wolf populations by teaching about wolves, their relationship to wild lands and the human role in their future. The IWC provides useful scientific information and learning opportunities and supports well-informed dialogue about management of wolf-human conflict. Their website offers a wealth of scientific information on wolves and wolf-human issues. [www.wolf.org]
You can also see live video footage of the pack at the IWC here.
Mission: Wolf has a section on their website with lots of useful information on wolfdogs. [www.missionwolf.org/menu/wolf-dog-help]
Wolf Park’s website includes a section on wolfdogs, covering especially the differences between wolves, dogs, and wolfdogs, and some of the difficulties involved in wolfdog ownership. [www.wolfpark.org/animals/hybrids/sloan-poster/]
The Wolfdog is extensive and covers a wide range of issues, from genetics to training to wolfdog breeders. [www2.fiu.edu/~milesk/toc.html]
Some Other Wolf/Wolfdog Sanctuaries
There are numerous sanctuaries and rescues for wolves and wolfdogs in the US; the following are a small selection. Links to others can be found on Lake Tahoe Wolf Rescue’s site. If you need assistance placing a wolf/wolfdog, please see our Wolfdog Help page.
Mission: Wolf (Colorado) was created to provide a shelter for captive wolves, and now also serves as an educational organization and creates opportunities for growth through community service and personal interactions with animals. They value education, sustainability, and improving relationships between people, animals, and the world around them. [www.missionwolf.com]
W.O.L.F. (Wolves Offered Life & Friendship) (Colorado) is a sanctuary which works to improve the quality of life for all wolves and wolfdogs through rescue, sanctuary, and education. [www.wolfsanctuary.net]
Wolf Haven International (Washington State) is a nonprofit organization which provides sanctuary for captive-born wolves, in addition to working for wolf conservation by protecting wild wolves, promoting wolf restoration in historic ranges, and educating the public on the value of all wildlife. [www.wolfhaven.org]
Wolf Sanctuary of Pennsylvania is a wolf sanctuary and educational organization with a similar mission to SFWS’s, which provides food, shelter and veterinary care for over forty wolves. [www.wolfsanctuarypa.org]
Conservation and Animal Protection Organizations
Born Free USA is a national animal advocacy nonprofit whose mission is to end the suffering of wild animals in captivity, rescue individual animals in need, protect wildlife — including highly endangered species — in their natural habitats, and encourage compassionate conservation globally. [www.bornfreeusa.org]
Defenders of Wildlife is a major national conservation organization focused on wildlife and habitat conservation and the safeguarding of biodiversity, and aims to protect and restore imperiled species throughout North America by transforming policies and institutions and promoting innovative solutions. Included on their site is a page with specific gifts you can give to help save wolves. [www.defenders.org] [wolves: www.savewolves.org]
Humane Society of the United States, the nation’s largest animal protection organization, fights for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education, and hands-on programs, and rescues and cares for tens of thousands of animals each year. [www.humanesociety.org]
Predator Defense works to protect America’s native predators, including wolves, and to create alternatives for people to coexist with wildlife. [www.predatordefense.org]
Wolf Conservation Center promotes wolf conservation by teaching about wolves, their relationship to the environment, and the human role in protecting their future. The WCC also participates in captive breeding programs to save the critically endangered red wolf and Mexican gray wolf populations. [www.nywolf.org]